Ladies and gentlemen, you can all breath out as January is officially over! It was a really long year right? It seems already (judging by wind which is constantly blowing my hair into my eyes) that we are only a few steps ahead from warm, windy, rainy and occasionally cold spring (unless you live in Scotland then you need to scrap the word "warm").
Sometimes you say to me, that I have a nice job as I only have to work four days a week. How I wish it was only that much (not that I don't adore making bread). On Tuesdays, Laura and I come in to do the prep and I just wanted to tell you that today we made some bread (obviously!) which is currently having a nap in our fridge. As it seems that blood oranges are finally available, we baked some more upside down blood orange cake and also deliciously sweet blood orange curd which will be married with our puff pastry to create a delicious danish. We also made lemon curd and various doughs to prepare sweet and savoury bakes for you. There will be something new (savoury) this week from tomorrow and I will show you what it is around 11 am. I won't bore you about my two remaining days off but those who follow my Instagram know, that I usually visit other amazing bakeries in the area (purely for market research!) and the rest of it is admin, shopping, more admin and many hours spent flipping through baking books (which is my second favourite part of the job).
And now onto the menu:
Just Bread
(aka Classic Sourdough) £3.70
Sundried tomatoes and herbs £4.80
Seeded sourdough £4.50
Dark rye sourdough (450g) £3.50
Light Rye Sour £4
Spelt with Seeds (tin loaf) £5
Cinnamon Bun £2.20
Almond croissant (from Thursday) £3.50
Pistachio and chocolate croissant £3.50
(from Thursday)
Peanut butter and jam croissant £3.50
(from Thursday)
Herb and garlic roll £1
Hot dog roll £2
We will have some pistachio buns on Wednesday to compensate the lack of croissants :).
If you would like to order your bread and pick it up from Potstop on Thursday, please let us know by 2 pm on Wednesday (email to The orders will then be ready for collection between 2 - 5 pm.
If you would like your order to be delivered by Box Bike, let us know a day before at least and we will arrange the delivery for you, thank you!
